2025 CAPO abstract submissions are now closed.

The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) is accepting abstracts for posters for the 40th Annual Conference to be held in Toronto, Ontario from April 23 to 25. The conference will not be offered virtually this year.

We invite abstracts focusing on the human experience of illness and the soul of medicine in this age of biomedicine. Through an interdisciplinary lens, we endeavour to illuminate the connection between mind, body, and spirit in cancer care. Submissions can be reports of observational studies and clinical trials, innovative programs and service delivery models, systematic reviews, study protocols, clinical guidelines and best practice and local, regional, national and international approaches to build capacity in research, education and clinical care. Patients as co-presenters are encouraged where funding is available to ensure their participation. Patient-oriented content is also encouraged.


With abstract submission, the first author (submitting author):

  • Accepts responsibility for the accuracy of the submitted abstract.
  • Confirms that all authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented.
  • Confirms the abstract is not under review for presentation or publication elsewhere and has not been previously presented or published in its current format.
  • Gives permission for the abstract, when selected for presentation, to be published in the Conference Proceedings.   
  • Confirms that the primary presenter/senior author will register and attend the conference. Where patient partners have been engaged, funding for their participation is the responsibility of the primary presenter/senior author.

Presentation Types:

Poster Presentations – consist of 4’ x 4’ (1.2 M x 1.2 M) display presentations for completed or in progress work. Submissions for poster presentations should follow the clinical or research format (see below). At least one author of an accepted poster abstract must be present during the assigned session. Poster sessions may run concurrently with other conference sessions.

Submission formats

To be considered, abstracts must follow these guidelines:

  • Abstract titles should be brief (maximum of 30 words) and should reflect the content of the submission.
  • Commercial entities/names may not be used in the abstract title.
  • No more than 10 authors can be listed per submission.
  • Each author’s professional title, institutional affiliation(s), city and country must be provided.
  • An abstract is required for all symposium, oral and poster submissions.
  • Abstract content should be submitted in structured paragraph format.
  • Submissions must follow the clinical or research format and either can present patient-oriented content.
  • Submissions may state measurement in clinical care and research in PSO

Clinical Abstracts:

Clinical content can include development of innovative programs, interventions or service delivery models of care.

Word Limit: 250 words. 


  Background/rationale

  Methods (needs assessment, theoretical models, interventions, outcomes)

  Impact on practice

  Discussion (lessons learned, future directions) 

Research Abstracts:

Research content must refer to work that relies on scientific methods or theory development. This can include protocols, literature reviews and studies.

Word Limit: 250 words.


  Objectives/purpose

  Sample and setting

  Procedures

  Results

  Conclusion and clinical implications 

For submissions, ensure that you provide the following:
  • Abstract Title
  • Name, City and Affiliation of all authors
  • Presenting author
  • Submission Type
  • Theme
  • Abstract content  

DO NOT ENTER IN ALL CAPS. Submissions that provide approval to publish will be published as they are submitted. Failure to follow the prescribed directions may impact inclusion in the publication.

Abstract submission is in text format only and the pre-defined topic and type must be indicated. Upon submission, a confirmation will be sent to the email of the account holder. Please note: This email is a confirmation of abstract submission and NOT a notice of acceptance.


Abstracts will be accepted for the following themes: 

  • A. Adapting PSO care in LMI countries
  • B. Cancer care across the life span (children, adolescent & young adults, adults, and older adults)
  • C. Community-based and volunteer cancer-care services
  • D. Complementary and integrative cancer care
  • E. Exercise/pre-habilitation and rehabilitation in cancer
  • F. Equity, diversity and inclusion (sociodemographic, culture, and sex/gender issues)
  • G. Health care provider wellness
  • H. High tech to high touch (digital health, value-based care, integrated PSO interventions)
  • I. Implementation science, knowledge translation and synthesis
  • J. Palliative and end-of-life care
  • K. Pandemics and cancer-care issues
  • L. Patient-oriented research approaches
  • M. Primary, secondary and tertiary cancer prevention
  • N. Novel interventions and clinical trials in PSO
  • O. Survivorship
  • P. Other

Abstract Selection Process

Abstracts will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Significance and relevance
  • Innovation
  • Approach and findings
  • Implications
  • Rigor and clarity

The CAPO 2025 Scientific Committee will select abstracts additional posters by February 28, 2025. The submitting author will receive an email with the decision. If a primary author cannot attend the conference, that author should assign a replacement. The scientific committee reserves the right to reallocate abstracts as necessary. All presenting authors must register for the conference.

For abstract-related inquiries, please contact [email protected]