In an era marked by the rapid advancement of biologically focused precision medicine, it is imperative to redirect our attention towards the human experience of illness and the soul of medicine. Biomedicine has conceptualized illness in ways that have proved profoundly productive from a curative and biological point of view. But it cannot – and it does not pretend to – illuminate the experience of living with it. (Hurwitz 2009). This conference aims to delve into the intricate interplay between cutting-edge biomedical technologies inclusive of artificial intelligence and big data and the deeply personal narratives of individuals navigating illness. By shifting the focus from mere disease pathology to encompassing the holistic human experience, we aspire to foster a more compassionate and patient-centered approach to healthcare with psychosocial support at the core of humanistic care that can improve survival and well-being in all aspects of a whole person approach to illness. Through interdisciplinary dialogue and introspection, we endeavor to illuminate the profound connection between mind, body, and spirit in the practice of medicine, reaffirming the timeless significance of empathy, understanding, and human connection in healing and psychosocial aspects of care as fundamental to living well with cancer.

It is our hope that your organization will be part of improving excellence in psychosocial care and the quality of life of individuals with cancer and their families by joining us at the 40th Annual CAPO Conference in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Our theme this year is “Responding to the Human Experience of Cancer and Caring for the Soul: Building on 40 years of global leadership in psychosocial oncology”. We are anticipating 175 to 200 attendees from across the country and internationally



The Patient/Caregiver Partner Empowerment sponsor financially supports the following:

Patient and caregiver attendance for five (5) participants to this year’s CAPO conference. Includes travel, accommodation, and registration to the conference.

  • A call for interested patient/caregiver participation will be released using CAPO’s established selection processes and will include sponsor recognition
  • CAPO’s conference planning committee (which includes patient and caregiver representatives) makes the final decision using our prescribed criteria for selection
  • Sponsorship recipients will be announced through all CAPO communication channels and posted to our Conference website and will include sponsor recognition

Social gatherings and gala (open to conference attendees)

Sponsor privileges include:

1. Clearly recognized as Patient/Caregiver Empowerment Sponsor with:

Sponsor logo and name prominently displayed in on-site and web registration materials as well as on-screen during plenary sessions, all conference-related materials and conference final report.

  • Recognition on the official conference website.
  • Verbal recognition at patient/caregiver-related conference activities.
  • Live tweeting during the conference with sponsor recognition.

2. Sponsor advertisement opportunities

Full page recognition in the final conference program.

3. Sponsorship recipient participation at the conference:

  • Two (2) complimentary conference registrations for empowerment sponsor
  • Five (5) complimentary conference registrations for patients/caregivers


1. Identified as Visionary Supporter with:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed at the top of all collateral, including on-site materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the Conference website as the Visionary Supporter, including links to your website
  • Mentions and Logo inclusion in social media communications (twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook), email advertisements and in online promotional materials leading up to the conference.
  • Live tweeting from the conference with sponsor recognition.

2. Exposure at the Conference including:

  • 2.5 ft x 12 ft exhibition space accompanied by 2 tables and 4 chairs for each exhibition area.
  • Logo printed on delegate lanyards and handouts.
  • Verbal acknowledgement.
  • Opportunity to have a sponsor representative introduce one Keynote speaker along with providing an up to one-minute presentation (in the case of any potential conflict of interest, sponsor and Keynote speaker to agree on pairing first).

3. Advertisement Opportunities

  • One (1) page advertisement in the Final Conference Program. Placement on Back Cover or Inside Back.

5. Participation in the Conference:

  • Six (6) complimentary Conference passes.


Privileges include:

1. Identified as Platinum Supporter with:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed at the top of all collateral, including on-site materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the official Conference website, including link to your own website.
  • Mentions and Logo inclusion in social media communications, email advertisements and in online promotional materials leading up to the conference.
  • Live tweeting from the conference with sponsor recognition.

2. Exposure at the Conference including:

  • 2.5 ft x 6 ft exhibition space accompanied by 1 table and 2 chairs for each exhibition area.

3. Advertisement Opportunities

  • Half a page advertisement in the Final Conference Program.

4. Participation in the Conference:

  • Four (4) complimentary Conference passes.


Privileges include:

1. Identified as Gold Supporter with:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed at the top of all collateral, including on-site materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the official Conference website, including link to your own website.

2. Exposure at the Conference including:

  • 2.5 ft x 6 ft exhibition space accompanied by 1 table and 2 chairs for each exhibition area.

3. Advertisement Opportunities

  • 1/3 page advertisement in the Final Conference Program.

4. Participation in the Conference:

  • Three (3) complimentary Conference passes.


Privileges include:

1. Identified as Silver Supporter with:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed at the top of all collateral, including on-site materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the official Conference website.

2. Advertisement Opportunities

  • Quarter page advertisement in the Final Conference Program.

3. Participation in the Conference:

  • Two (2) complimentary Conference passes.


Privileges include:

1. Identified as Bronze Supporter with:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed at the top of all collateral, including on-site materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the official Conference website.

2. Participation in the Conference:

  • One (1) complimentary Conference pass.


Privileges include:

1. Identification as a Patient Participation Supporter in the following:

  • Logo and name prominently displayed in on-site registration handout materials and on-screen during plenary sessions, all Conference Materials and Conference Final Report.
  • Recognition on the official Conference website.
  • Verbal recognition at all patient activities.

2. Advertisement Opportunities

  • Quarter page advertisement in the Final Conference Program.

Customized Supporter Opportunities Available

To confirm your support, or for any inquiries regarding sponsorship packages, please contact Peter Traversa at: 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-969-0207



• Showcase your organization to a diverse international professional community of 150 to 200 psychiatrists and other physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, clergy, counselors, patient advocates and more.

• Exhibitors are placed in the centre of high traffic events.

• Participate in sessions, luncheons and other Conference events.

Exhibitors are listed:

• On the official Conference website, with link to your website.

• In the official Conference Program Book.



Show Hours*




*Set-up will be on the morning of Wednesday, April 23, 2025. Take-down times will be after 5:30 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025. Exhibits should be attended, but it is not required. CAPO staff members are not available to attend your exhibit for you. Exhibitors are welcome, and encouraged, to participate in Conference sessions.

Exhibit staff additional to the one complimentary registration included in the booth price must register for the conference.

Cost of Exhibit Stand

Non-Profit Org: $1,750 CAD (no taxes apply)

For-Profit Org: $2,250 CAD (no taxes apply)

Exhibit Stand includes:

• 8 x 8 foot booth

• One six foot table and two chairs

Extra fees apply for electrical hookup. WIFI included. 

Exhibitors Receive

• All Conference materials, including Program Book, Abstract Book, Registration List and Final Report.

To book an exhibit stand, contact the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) at:

189 Queen Street East, Suite 1

Toronto, Ontario M5A 1S2

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 416-969-0207