CAPO/IPOS 2019 Patient Advocate Scholarship

4 Jul 2019 10:11 AM | Peter Traversa (Administrator)

The shared mission of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) and the International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) is to foster the science and practice of psychosocial oncology to improve the care for people affected by cancer through partnerships, research, public policy, advocacy and education. Our 2019 World Congress will create an opportunity to bring together an international body of health care professionals. This forum encourages new global partnerships and allows for the dissemination of ground-breaking research to professionals and the general public about psycho-oncology, that is, the psychosocial (psychiatric, psychological, social, behavioural, ethical) and psychobiological aspects of oncology.  Finally, this forum allows us to recognize exceptional contributions from around the world to the field of psycho-oncology through our awards of excellence.

The following financial support is being made available to patient advocates interested in attending the 2019 Congress:

  • Five (5) $1,000 CAD travel/accommodation scholarships to be paid directly to recipients at the Congress by cheque accompanied by complimentary congress registration valued at $750 CAD each (does not include the pre-congress workshops or dinner adventure).

In order to qualify, applicants must:

  1. Be residing in Canada.
  2. Identify themselves as a patient/family advocate (have an active role in communicating their cancer experience).
  3. Be active on social media.
  4. Complete an online application by July 31, 2019.
  5. If selected, must submit a 250 to 500-word summary of key learnings from the congress that will be published on our website, and also in the CAPO e-newsletter, CAPO Connection. Submission must be made by December 31, 2019.

Online application review and selection:

  1. Applications are accepted online only. Confirmation of submission will NOT be issued. To submit, please go to
  2. A panel of three current CAPO members (void of any conflict of interest), one in which must be a current CAPO board member, will review applications and select the five recipients.
  3. Final decision on the five recipients selected will be issued via email by no later than August 16, 2019.

The Canadian Association of
Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO)

189 Queen Street East, Suite 1
Toronto, ON M5A 1S2
P. 416-968-0207
[email protected]

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