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"My most meaningful CAPO experience was when my research work was accepted as a 90-minute workshop and I was to present in CAPO 23. 4. CAPO connected me to International Psycho- Oncology and I am a member and enjoying all the benefits of membership."
Who is CAPO?
The CAPO Communications committee is seeking video or quote submissions from our members in support of the “Who is CAPO?” campaign.
Members of all disciplines, areas of expertise and those with lived experience are encouraged to share a memory or highlight from their time with CAPO. Not sure how to start? We’ve got you covered. Simply finish one or more of the following sentences:
Regardless of whether you would like to submit a video or text message, you will be required to complete the following form and submit your files electronically.
"I was diagnosed with a variant of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the fall of 2015. After six months of chemotherapy at the QEH Cancer Clinic in PEI I was told that I was now “free of any clinical signs” of cancer. Nevertheless, I would be followed up by my oncologist every few months to check to see whether the cancer had returned. The entire time I was undergoing treatment, I imagined what it would be like when my treatment was over and I was “cured.” I didn’t imagine that the psychological effects of having had cancer and worrying that it might come back would come to dominate my life. This is why attending the CAPO annual conference in 2019 was so helpful. There I learned that most if not all cancer patients experience the same issues. Knowing that I was not alone with this fear and that there were people who could help came as an immense relief. This was my most meaningful CAPO experience."
"Belonging to CAPO allows me to connect and collaborate with leading scholars and clinicians nationwide, all dedicated to enhancing care and support for those affected by cancer"
"Belonging to CAPO allows me to build a solid foundation of skills and connections as a new clinician-scientist in psychosocial oncology"
"My most meaningful CAPO experience was the first time I attended, in 1998, in Thunder Bay. I immediately felt part of a supportive community of likeminded people in a casual, fun environment. It kept me coming back year after year!"
"Belonging to CAPO gives me an opportunity to connect with incredible researchers, clinicians and administrators practicing in psychosocial oncology."
"CAPO has connected me to a community of professionals, extending coast to coast to coast. Within that community, over the course of decades now, I have found mentors, collaborators and friends. Our lives are enriched by our connections; CAPO has made my life richer."
2025 CAPO Late breaking call for poster abstracts Abstracts are due by February 14, 2025 The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO) is accepting abstracts for posters for the 40th Annual Conference to be held in Toronto, Ontario from April 23 to 25. The conference will not be offered virtually this year. We invite abstracts focusing on the human experience of illness and the soul of medicine in this age of biomedicine. Through an interdisciplinary lens, we endeavor to illuminate the c between mind, body, and spirit in cancer care. Submissions can be reports of observational studies and clinical trials, innovative programs and service delivery models, systematic reviews, study protocols, clinical guidelines and best practice and local, regional, national and international approaches to build capacity in research, education and clinical care. Patients as co-presenters are encouraged where funding is available to ensure their participation. Patient oriented content is also encouraged.
1. The spirit and intent of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology is to have the Board represent certain professional groups, and for the Board to have a national/regional character. In thinking about qualified people for nomination, please give some consideration to what area/region of the country they would represent.
2. You are entitled to nominate any full, patient/family or retired member (in good standing). A member may be nominated for a Board position only if the member has held active membership status for two (2) years prior to being nominated. Members may self-nominate.
3. Membership on the Board requires attendance at one meeting per year (minimum, when held in person) and several video conferences. The face-to-face meeting is to be held just prior to the Annual Conference (when permitted). In addition, Board members are expected to Chair or assist with the Standing Committees of the Board or to stand for election to the Executive. The Executive is composed of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The amount of work varies, but is not excessive. Those you nominate must be willing to participate actively! Board membership becomes official only after the slate of directors is presented and approved at the Annual General Meeting of CAPO members.
4. You must be a full, patient/family or retired member in good standing of the Association in order to nominate and for your nomination(s) to be accepted. To be eligible to serve, the nominee must have been a CAPO member for the two years preceding the nomination.
The Board of Directors shall consist of no less than ten(10) members and no more than fourteen (14) persons, consisting of no less than one (1), and no more than three (3), representatives of the following disciplines of social work, psychology, medicine, nursing, pastoral/spiritual care, rehabilitative services and patient/family representative, and one (1) member at large. Annually the board will set the number of positions available within the required ten (10) to fourteen (14) members.
We have an opening for five (5) positions to be filled in this year's election for the 2025 - 2027 term. The board endeavours to ensure that a balance of disciplines is filled to meet the current needs of the organization. Our particular interest is in seeking members to represent spiritual care and medicine
Nominations are being sought from the following fields:
Focus Group Invitation
The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO)
189 Queen Street East, Suite 1 Toronto, ON M5A 1S2 P. 416-968-0207 [email protected]
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The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology • Association Canadienne d'Oncologie PsychosocialeWebsite powered by Funnel Communications