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Job Description
CAPO is inviting a member of the public to join the CAPO board as a patient and/or family representative to raise awareness of the challenges and priorities of patients and families affected by cancer. The patient and/or family representative will provide strategic advice and guidance to enhance how CAPO communicates its work to the membership and external stakeholders as it relates to person-centred and quality psychosocial care. The Member will also provide strategic advice and guidance to the CAPO Board in its efforts to increase revenues through fundraising efforts and other funding opportunities.
We are pleased to announce our affiliated journal, Current Oncology, has received an updated Impact Factor in the 2020 edition of the Journal Citation Reports® released in June 2021. An increase to 3.677 from 2.257.
We are offering two free publications for our Special Issue on the Supportive Care Needs of Cancer Patients and Family Caregivers in Current Oncology.
Submit your abstract to [email protected] by May 31, 2021 to be considered for one of two free publications. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on innovation, scientific merit, need and whether they have an alternative source of funding.
The deadline for full manuscript submission is July 31, 2021. The publication fee is 1600 CHF.
Dr. Jackie Bender and Dr. Sylvie Lambert Guest Editors of the Special Issue in Current Oncology
Harvey Max Chochinov, OC OM MD PhD FRCPC FRSC FCAHS | Winnipeg, MB
Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Manitoba and Senior Scientist at the Research Institute of Oncology and Haematology, CancerCare Manitoba, is one of the world’s most innovative and influential proponents of improved and expanded palliative care across multiple dimensions of life-limiting or life-ending condition. Dr. Chochinov’s pioneering work has significantly advanced effective recognition and treatment of end-of-life distress, depression, desire for death and vulnerability. His empirical research provides guidelines for dignity conserving palliative care and psychosocial intervention and is helping to assure that our medical management of dying and death does not disregard alleviable pain nor violate the dignity of patients and their families.
Dr. Chochinov is Co-Founder and former chair (2001-2015) of the Canadian Virtual Hospice (CVH), the world’s most comprehensive online platform providing information and support to patients, families and health providers on issues related to palliative care and bereavement. His award-winning book Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days is a profound and beautiful meditation on human mortality and a blueprint for the palliative intervention developed by Dr. Chochinov and his research colleagues.
The Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Rehabilitation (Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary Alberta) and the Division of Psychosocial Oncology (Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary) are recruiting a clinical academic Fellow for the 2022-23 academic year. This opportunity is for interdisciplinary professionals (completing training or fully licensed) who are seeking one year of specialized training in Psychosocial Oncology. Interested applicants are encouraged to send a letter of interest by May 15, 2021. Following an expression of interest, a single chosen candidate will build a tailored application collaboratively with our program, and apply by Aug 31, 2021. Competition results will be announced around November 2021.
Members can learn more about this opportunity HERE
Typically the association holds the annual meeting in conjunction with CAPO conference which is normally held in the spring. This year the conference will be held in June and will again be virtual. This later date poses a challenge for scheduling the CAPO Annual General Meeting. Our bylaws state that our AGM is to be held within 150 days of the end of our fiscal year (December 31). To ensure compliance with our bylaws the 2021 annual meeting will be held virtually. The bylaws provide for holding meetings electronically. The platform to be used will allow for attendance by Webinar.
Dear colleagues, As the Guest Editors of the Special Issue in Current Oncology described below, we encourage you to consider contributing a paper. Special Issue Title: Supportive Care Needs of Cancer Patients and Caregivers Website: Deadline for manuscript submissions: July 31, 2021 Papers will be published on an ongoing basis, immediately upon acceptance after peer review (generally within one week). A publication fee of 1200 CHF will be applied for each accepted paper submitted in 2021 (papers submitted after 30 June 2021 the APC will be 1600 CHF). No extra fees will be applied for color figures. As an incentive, we have two free publications to offer. To apply to have your paper published free of charge, please send us an abstract and tentative title by May 31, 2021. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on innovation, scientific merit, need and whether they have an alternative source of funding. Sincerely, Dr. Jackie Bender and Dr. Sylvie Lambert
CAPO members can access the discount code and more information by going to Member Resources.
Current Oncology (ISSN 1718-7729) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal published online by MDPI (from Volume 28 Issue 1-2021). Established in 1994, the journal represents a multidisciplinary medium for clinical oncologists to report and review progress in the management of this disease. Dr. Shahid Ahmed from the University of Saskatchewan has served as Editor-in-Chief of Current Oncology since June 2023. The journal is supported by an international editorial board consisting of a distinguished team of cancer researchers from major institutes from Canada and around the world ( Articles published in the journal typically contain information that is relevant directly to clinical oncology practice, and have clear potential for application to the current or future practice of cancer medicine. Current Oncology is indexed by important databases, including SCIE, PubMed, MEDLINE, and Scopus. Current Oncology received an increased Impact Factor for 2023 of 2.8, following an increased CiteScore of 3.3. Current Oncology now ranks in Q2 in the “Oncology” category (157/322) which represents our ranking relative to other journals in the same field. More information about the journal can be accessed at:
CAPO members enjoy author fee discounts with Current Oncology. Email Karen for more info at [email protected]. NOTE: When you apply for research funding, please inquire whether your granting agency allows the costs of open access publishing, such as Article Processing Charges, to be included in the grant budget. More and more, granting agencies are encouraging or even requiring that all papers resulting from funded research must be published in Open Access journals.
The Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology (CAPO)
189 Queen Street East, Suite 1 Toronto, ON M5A 1S2 P. 416-968-0207 [email protected]
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